Traditionally, going back hundreds of years ago, martial artists all used cotton-soled martial art shoes. Granted such shoes at the time, provided a firm grasp to the ground and were the ideal shoes for martial arts in its day. However, as many martial artists nowadays will agree, such shoes requires, on average, be replaced within a time span of few months if not mere weeks depending on how diligent the martial artist is in his/her training. Reason being the cotton soles tend to wear away easily from martial conditioning, regimen, stance and form work.
Thus contemporary martial artists tend to wear martial art shoes like the ones seen in the second picture below. Such martial shoes are made of durable, lightweight fabric with padded soles instead of being made of cotton. The padded soles will not compromise a martial artist's ability to establish a firm rooting to the ground instead, the padded soles serve to enhance the shoes' overall durability, remidiating a significant shortcoming of its predecessors. These modern martial art shoes cost generally around $30-50 dollars a pair however, it is better to think of it as a form of investment. With the traditional martial shoes, martial artists often spend $8 or so every few weeks or months due to the low durability of the cotton soles. The modern martial art shoes, however, although a pair starts off in the $30-50 range, it will stay with a martial artist from anywhere between 2 to 3 years.

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